Contest du jour de l\'indépendance de la Pologne


Site officiel : - - -I C I - - -

This is Special Event Activity to celebrate
Polish Independence Day, 11th November.
In memory of those who fought and died for
freedom and liberty.

1.General information

This contest is open for all AT and non AT operators.
- Competitors are classify in two categories
1. 161 AT/ID
2. ID Hunters

The best stations from each category will be avarded

- Contest information
First part - 08 Nov.2014 to 09 Nov.2014
Second part - 15 Nov.2014 to 16 Nov.2014
Start 12.00 GMT Saturday, last call 12.00 GMT Sunday.
AT contest frequency - 27,440 - 27,495 and 27,600- 27,800

During next part of contest (15/16.11.14)
The same stations 161AT/IDxy can be worked.

Manager Jurek 161 AT 035 (don\'t use call on an envelope)
P.O.Box 5
84-300 Lebork

e-mail: email anti-spam

Only stations from Station List are valid as operators
161 AT/ID XY
X- number of radio regions , (except 161 AT/ID00)
Y- personal number of station from region X e.g. 161AT/ID43 means: operator tansmits from region number 4, and his personal number is 3

Station 161 AT/ID00 does not take part in contest . He will appear on the frequency from time to time, that\'s why bonus is so well.

1 point - for each contact with 161AT/ID station.
3 points - for each radio region
5 points per each contacted special station (*)
10 points - for contact with 161AT/ID00

For stations from 161 div
1 point - for each contact with AT or non-AT station
3 points - for each confirmed division(see AT rules)
5 points per each contacted special station (*)
10 points per contact with leading station - 161AT/ID00

3. Logs
The Table of result must be included
The final result will be calculated on base of your personal logs and table of results.
Logs should be sent to 01.01.2015 Final result will be two months later.
ID contest sponsoring by Polish AT\'s members.
CONTRIBUTION not necessary!

Organizer\'s: 161AT035 Jurek
161AT029 Hania

News écrite par 14AT065 le lundi 3 novembre 2014 à 15:04

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